All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Reviewed-on: #14
maptest bot
to setup (requires node.js):
- (in the config folder) create a copy of example_config.json named config.json
- fill out empty values with correct values in config.json (token is discord token, cookie is .ROBLOSECURITY cookie, clientId is the bot's ID (right click bot in discord then choose copy ID with developer mode enabled))
- install dependencies
npm install
- register slash commands globally (this only needs to be ran once)
node deploy-commands.js
- run the bot
node bot.js
also, the bot requires the bot and applications.commands scope, which can be found in developer portal -> bot -> oauth2 -> url generator -> scopes, simply generate link with the bot and applications.commands scopes checked then add bot to server (can be done if bot already in server). no other permissions are needed.
finally, the bhop/surf/deathrun cookies in the config.json require the full _|WARNING:-DO-NOT-SHARE-THIS.--Sharing-this-will-allow-someone-to-log-in-as-you-and-to-steal-your-ROBUX-and-items.|_
text, so include it