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# asset-tool
[![Build Status](https://ci.itzana.me/api/badges/StrafesNET/asset-tool/status.svg?ref=refs/heads/master)](https://ci.itzana.me/StrafesNET/asset-tool)
For uploading and downloading roblox assets.
See [releases](https://git.itzana.me/StrafesNET/asset-tool/releases) for downloads.
To get started, you will need an api key and/or cookie depending on which command you use. Api keys can be created from the open cloud section on the creator hub, cookies must be extracted from a browser session. Do not share your cookie file with anyone or use it with tools that you do not trust, as it gives unrestricted permissions to do any account actions on your behalf. The api keys are significantly more safe because you can choose exactly what permissions the given key has, and which ip addresses can use it.
The help text lists available commands:
`asset-tool --help`
For help with a specific command:
`asset-tool download --help`
Example incantation to download a list of models:
`asset-tool download --cookie-file Documents\mycookie.txt 255299419 1213190363`