use std::collections::{HashSet,HashMap}; use crate::model::ModelId; use crate::gameplay_style; pub struct StageElement{ stage:StageId,//which stage spawn to send to force:bool,//allow setting to lower spawn id i.e. 7->3 behaviour:StageElementBehaviour } #[derive(Clone,Hash,Eq,PartialEq)] pub enum StageElementBehaviour{ SpawnAt,//must be standing on top to get effect. except cancollide false Trigger, Teleport, Platform, //Check(point) acts like a trigger if you haven't hit all the checkpoints on previous stages yet. //Note that all stage elements act like this, this is just the isolated behaviour. Check, Checkpoint,//this is a combined behaviour for Ordered & Unordered in case a model is used multiple times or for both. } pub struct StageId(u32); pub struct Stage{ spawn:ModelId, //other behaviour models of this stage can have ordered_checkpoints:Vec<ModelId>, unordered_checkpoints:HashSet<ModelId>, } #[derive(Clone,Hash,Eq,PartialEq)] pub enum ZoneBehaviour{ Finish, Anitcheat, } pub struct ModeId(u32); pub struct Mode{ style:gameplay_style::StyleModifiers, start:ModelId, zones:HashMap<ModelId,ZoneBehaviour>, stages:Vec<Stage>, //mutually exlusive stage element behaviour elements:HashMap<ModelId,StageElement>, jump_limit:HashMap<ModelId,u32>, } impl Mode{ pub fn get_spawn_model_id(&self,stage:StageId)->Option<ModelId>{ self.stages.get(stage.0 as usize).map(|s|s.spawn) } pub fn denormalize_data(&mut self){ //expand and index normalized data for (stage_id,stage) in self.stages.iter().enumerate(){ self.elements.insert(stage.spawn,StageElement{ stage:StageId(stage_id as u32), force:false, behaviour:StageElementBehaviour::SpawnAt, }); for &model_id in &stage.ordered_checkpoints{ self.elements.insert(model_id,StageElement{ stage:StageId(stage_id as u32), force:false, behaviour:StageElementBehaviour::Checkpoint, }); } for &model_id in &stage.unordered_checkpoints{ self.elements.insert(model_id,StageElement{ stage:StageId(stage_id as u32), force:false, behaviour:StageElementBehaviour::Checkpoint, }); } } } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Modes{ modes:Vec<Mode>, } impl Modes{ pub fn clear(&mut self){ self.modes.clear(); } pub fn get_mode(&self,mode:ModeId)->Option<&Mode>{ self.modes.get(mode.0 as usize) } pub fn insert(&mut self,mode:Mode){ self.modes.push(mode); } }