use crate::aabb::Aabb; //da algaritum //lista boxens //sort by {minx,maxx,miny,maxy,minz,maxz} (6 lists) //find the sets that minimizes the sum of surface areas //splitting is done when the minimum split sum of surface areas is larger than the node's own surface area //start with bisection into octrees because a bad bvh is still 1000x better than no bvh //sort the centerpoints on each axis (3 lists) //bv is put into octant based on whether it is upper or lower in each list #[derive(Default)] pub struct BvhNode{ children:Vec, models:Vec, aabb:Aabb, } impl BvhNode{ pub fn the_tester(&self,aabb:&Aabb,f:&mut F){ for &model in &self.models{ f(model); } for child in &self.children{ if aabb.intersects(&child.aabb){ child.the_tester(aabb,f); } } } } pub fn generate_bvh(boxen:Vec)->BvhNode{ generate_bvh_node(boxen.into_iter().enumerate().collect()) } fn generate_bvh_node(boxen:Vec<(usize,Aabb)>)->BvhNode{ let n=boxen.len(); if n<20{ let mut aabb=Aabb::default(); let models=boxen.into_iter().map(|b|{aabb.join(&b.1);b.0}).collect(); BvhNode{ children:Vec::new(), models, aabb, } }else{ let mut octant=std::collections::HashMap::with_capacity(n);//this ids which octant the boxen is put in let mut sort_x=Vec::with_capacity(n); let mut sort_y=Vec::with_capacity(n); let mut sort_z=Vec::with_capacity(n); for (i,aabb) in boxen.iter(){ let; octant.insert(*i,0); sort_x.push((*i,center.x())); sort_y.push((*i,center.y())); sort_z.push((*i,center.z())); } sort_x.sort_by(|tup0,tup1|tup0.1.partial_cmp(&tup1.1).unwrap()); sort_y.sort_by(|tup0,tup1|tup0.1.partial_cmp(&tup1.1).unwrap()); sort_z.sort_by(|tup0,tup1|tup0.1.partial_cmp(&tup1.1).unwrap()); let h=n/2; let median_x=sort_x[h].1; let median_y=sort_y[h].1; let median_z=sort_z[h].1; for (i,c) in sort_x{ if median_x