diff --git a/engine/physics/src/lib.rs b/engine/physics/src/lib.rs
index 8d255ef41..f78e03721 100644
--- a/engine/physics/src/lib.rs
+++ b/engine/physics/src/lib.rs
@@ -4,3 +4,42 @@ mod face_crawler;
 mod model;
 pub mod physics;
+// Physics bug fixes can easily desync all bots.
+// When replaying a bot, use the exact physics version which it was recorded with.
+// When validating a new bot, ignore the version and use the latest version,
+// and overwrite the version in the file.
+// Compatible physics versions should be determined
+// empirically at development time via leaderboard resimulation.
+// Compatible physics versions should result in an identical leaderboard state,
+// or the only bots which fail are ones exploiting a surgically patched bug.
+pub struct PhysicsVersion(u32);
+pub const VERSION:PhysicsVersion=PhysicsVersion(0);
+const LATEST_COMPATIBLE_VERSION:[u32;1+VERSION.0 as usize]=const{
+	let compat=[0];
+	let mut input_version=0;
+	while input_version<compat.len(){
+		// compatible version must be greater that or equal to the input version
+		assert!(input_version as u32<=compat[input_version]);
+		// compatible version must be a version that exists
+		assert!(compat[input_version]<=VERSION.0);
+		input_version+=1;
+	}
+	compat
+pub enum PhysicsVersionError{
+	UnknownPhysicsVersion,
+pub const fn get_latest_compatible_version(PhysicsVersion(version):PhysicsVersion)->Result<PhysicsVersion,PhysicsVersionError>{
+	if (version as usize)<LATEST_COMPATIBLE_VERSION.len(){
+		Ok(PhysicsVersion(LATEST_COMPATIBLE_VERSION[version as usize]))
+	}else{
+		Err(PhysicsVersionError::UnknownPhysicsVersion)
+	}
diff --git a/engine/physics/src/physics.rs b/engine/physics/src/physics.rs
index 19ecc8f38..1e8463ef2 100644
--- a/engine/physics/src/physics.rs
+++ b/engine/physics/src/physics.rs
@@ -14,45 +14,6 @@ use strafesnet_common::integer::{self,vec3,mat3,Planar64,Planar64Vec3,Planar64Ma
 pub use strafesnet_common::physics::{Time,TimeInner};
 use gameplay::ModeState;
-// Physics bug fixes can easily desync all bots.
-// When replaying a bot, use the exact physics version which it was recorded with.
-// When validating a new bot, ignore the version and use the latest version,
-// and overwrite the version in the file.
-// Compatible physics versions should be determined
-// empirically at development time via leaderboard resimulation.
-// Compatible physics versions should result in an identical leaderboard state,
-// or the only bots which fail are ones exploiting a surgically patched bug.
-pub struct PhysicsVersion(u32);
-pub const VERSION:PhysicsVersion=PhysicsVersion(0);
-const LATEST_COMPATIBLE_VERSION:[u32;1+VERSION.0 as usize]=const{
-	let compat=[0];
-	let mut input_version=0;
-	while input_version<compat.len(){
-		// compatible version must be greater that or equal to the input version
-		assert!(input_version as u32<=compat[input_version]);
-		// compatible version must be a version that exists
-		assert!(compat[input_version]<=VERSION.0);
-		input_version+=1;
-	}
-	compat
-pub enum PhysicsVersionError{
-	UnknownPhysicsVersion,
-pub const fn get_latest_compatible_version(PhysicsVersion(version):PhysicsVersion)->Result<PhysicsVersion,PhysicsVersionError>{
-	if (version as usize)<LATEST_COMPATIBLE_VERSION.len(){
-		Ok(PhysicsVersion(LATEST_COMPATIBLE_VERSION[version as usize]))
-	}else{
-		Err(PhysicsVersionError::UnknownPhysicsVersion)
-	}
 pub type Body=crate::body::Body<TimeInner>;
 type MouseState=strafesnet_common::mouse::MouseState<TimeInner>;
diff --git a/engine/session/src/session.rs b/engine/session/src/session.rs
index 5b1fa0df7..7749f2ba9 100644
--- a/engine/session/src/session.rs
+++ b/engine/session/src/session.rs
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ impl InstructionConsumer<Instruction<'_>> for Session{
 						std::thread::spawn(move ||{
 							let file=std::fs::File::create(file_name).unwrap();
-							strafesnet_snf::bot::write_bot(std::io::BufWriter::new(file),physics::VERSION.get(),replay.recording.instructions).unwrap();
+							strafesnet_snf::bot::write_bot(std::io::BufWriter::new(file),strafesnet_physics::VERSION.get(),replay.recording.instructions).unwrap();
 							println!("Finished writing bot file!");