use crate::integer::{Planar64Vec3,Planar64Affine3};
use crate::gameplay_attributes;

pub type TextureCoordinate=glam::Vec2;
pub type Color4=glam::Vec4;
pub struct PositionId(u32);
pub struct TextureCoordinateId(u32);
pub struct NormalId(u32);
pub struct ColorId(u32);
pub struct IndexedVertex{
	pub pos:PositionId,
	pub tex:TextureCoordinateId,
	pub normal:NormalId,
	pub color:ColorId,
pub struct VertexId(u32);
pub type IndexedVertexList=Vec<VertexId>;
pub trait PolygonIter{
	fn polys(&self)->impl Iterator<Item=&[VertexId]>;
pub trait MapVertexId{
	fn map_vertex_id<F:Fn(VertexId)->VertexId>(self,f:F)->Self;
pub struct PolygonList(Vec<IndexedVertexList>);
impl PolygonList{
	pub const fn new(list:Vec<IndexedVertexList>)->Self{
	pub fn extend<T:IntoIterator<Item=IndexedVertexList>>(&mut self,iter:T){
impl PolygonIter for PolygonList{
	fn polys(&self)->impl Iterator<Item=&[VertexId]>{
impl MapVertexId for PolygonList{
	fn map_vertex_id<F:Fn(VertexId)->VertexId>(self,f:F)->Self{
// pub struct TriangleStrip(IndexedVertexList);
// impl PolygonIter for TriangleStrip{
// 	fn polys(&self)->impl Iterator<Item=&[VertexId]>{
//|(i,s)|if i&0!=0{return s.iter().rev()}else{return s.iter()})
// 	}
// }
pub struct PolygonGroupId(u32);
pub enum PolygonGroup{
impl PolygonIter for PolygonGroup{
	fn polys(&self)->impl Iterator<Item=&[VertexId]>{
		match self{
impl MapVertexId for PolygonGroup{
	fn map_vertex_id<F:Fn(VertexId)->VertexId>(self,f:F)->Self{
		match self{
/// Ah yes, a group of things to render at the same time
pub struct TextureId(u32);
pub struct RenderConfigId(u32);
pub struct RenderConfig{
	pub texture:Option<TextureId>,
impl RenderConfig{
	pub const fn texture(texture:TextureId)->Self{
pub struct IndexedGraphicsGroup{
	//Render pattern material/texture/shader/flat color
	pub render:RenderConfigId,
	pub groups:Vec<PolygonGroupId>,
pub struct IndexedPhysicsGroup{
	//the polygons in this group are guaranteed to make a closed convex shape
	pub groups:Vec<PolygonGroupId>,
//This is a superset of PhysicsModel and GraphicsModel
pub struct MeshId(u32);
pub struct Mesh{
	pub unique_pos:Vec<Planar64Vec3>,//Unit32Vec3
	pub unique_normal:Vec<Planar64Vec3>,//Unit32Vec3
	pub unique_tex:Vec<TextureCoordinate>,
	pub unique_color:Vec<Color4>,
	pub unique_vertices:Vec<IndexedVertex>,
	//polygon groups are constant texture AND convexity slices
	//note that this may need to be changed to be a list of individual faces
	//for submeshes to work since face ids need to be consistent across submeshes
	//so face == polygon_groups[face_id]
	pub polygon_groups:Vec<PolygonGroup>,
	//graphics indexed (by texture)
	pub graphics_groups:Vec<IndexedGraphicsGroup>,
	//physics indexed (by convexity)
	pub physics_groups:Vec<IndexedPhysicsGroup>,

pub struct ModelId(u32);
pub struct Model{
	pub mesh:MeshId,
	pub attributes:gameplay_attributes::CollisionAttributesId,
	pub color:Color4,//transparency is in here
	pub transform:Planar64Affine3,