use crate::instruction::TimedInstruction; pub enum PhysicsInstruction { CollisionStart(RelativeCollision), CollisionEnd(RelativeCollision), StrafeTick, Jump, SetWalkTargetVelocity(glam::Vec3), ReachWalkTargetVelocity, // Water, // Spawn( // Option, // bool,//true = Trigger; false = teleport // bool,//true = Force // ) } pub struct Body { pub position: glam::Vec3,//I64 where 2^32 = 1 u pub velocity: glam::Vec3,//I64 where 2^32 = 1 u/s pub time: TIME,//nanoseconds x xxxxD! } pub enum MoveRestriction { Air, Water, Ground, Ladder,//multiple ladders how } pub struct PhysicsState { pub body: Body, pub contacts: Vec, pub models_cringe_clone: Vec, pub time: TIME, pub strafe_tick_num: TIME, pub strafe_tick_den: TIME, pub tick: u32, pub mv: f32, pub walkspeed: f32, pub friction: f32, pub gravity: glam::Vec3, pub grounded: bool, pub jump_trying: bool, } #[derive(Clone,Copy)] pub enum AabbFace{ Right,//+X Top, Back, Left, Bottom, Front, } pub struct Aabb { min: glam::Vec3, max: glam::Vec3, } impl Aabb { // const FACE_DATA: [[f32; 3]; 6] = [ // [0.0f32, 0., 1.], // [0.0f32, 0., -1.], // [1.0f32, 0., 0.], // [-1.0f32, 0., 0.], // [0.0f32, 1., 0.], // [0.0f32, -1., 0.], // ]; const VERTEX_DATA_RIGHT: [glam::Vec3; 4] = [ glam::vec3(1., -1., -1.), glam::vec3(1., 1., -1.), glam::vec3(1., 1., 1.), glam::vec3(1., -1., 1.), ]; const VERTEX_DATA_TOP: [glam::Vec3; 4] = [ glam::vec3(1., 1., -1.), glam::vec3(-1., 1., -1.), glam::vec3(-1., 1., 1.), glam::vec3(1., 1., 1.), ]; const VERTEX_DATA_BACK: [glam::Vec3; 4] = [ glam::vec3(-1., -1., 1.), glam::vec3(1., -1., 1.), glam::vec3(1., 1., 1.), glam::vec3(-1., 1., 1.), ]; const VERTEX_DATA_LEFT: [glam::Vec3; 4] = [ glam::vec3(-1., -1., 1.), glam::vec3(-1., 1., 1.), glam::vec3(-1., 1., -1.), glam::vec3(-1., -1., -1.), ]; const VERTEX_DATA_BOTTOM: [glam::Vec3; 4] = [ glam::vec3(1., -1., 1.), glam::vec3(-1., -1., 1.), glam::vec3(-1., -1., -1.), glam::vec3(1., -1., -1.), ]; const VERTEX_DATA_FRONT: [glam::Vec3; 4] = [ glam::vec3(-1., 1., -1.), glam::vec3(1., 1., -1.), glam::vec3(1., -1., -1.), glam::vec3(-1., -1., -1.), ]; pub fn new() -> Self { Self {min: glam::Vec3::INFINITY,max: glam::Vec3::NEG_INFINITY} } pub fn grow(&mut self, point:glam::Vec3){ self.min=self.min.min(point); self.max=self.max.max(point); } pub fn normal(face:AabbFace) -> glam::Vec3 { match face { AabbFace::Right => glam::vec3(1.,0.,0.), AabbFace::Top => glam::vec3(0.,1.,0.), AabbFace::Back => glam::vec3(0.,0.,1.), AabbFace::Left => glam::vec3(-1.,0.,0.), AabbFace::Bottom => glam::vec3(0.,-1.,0.), AabbFace::Front => glam::vec3(0.,0.,-1.), } } pub fn face_vertices(face:AabbFace) -> [glam::Vec3;4] { match face { AabbFace::Right => Self::VERTEX_DATA_RIGHT, AabbFace::Top => Self::VERTEX_DATA_TOP, AabbFace::Back => Self::VERTEX_DATA_BACK, AabbFace::Left => Self::VERTEX_DATA_LEFT, AabbFace::Bottom => Self::VERTEX_DATA_BOTTOM, AabbFace::Front => Self::VERTEX_DATA_FRONT, } } } type Face = AabbFace; type TreyMesh = Aabb; pub struct Model { //A model is a thing that has a hitbox. can be represented by a list of TreyMesh-es //in this iteration, all it needs is extents. transform: glam::Mat4, } impl Model { pub fn new(transform:glam::Mat4) -> Self { Self{transform} } pub fn face_vertices(&self,face:Face) -> [glam::Vec3;4] { Aabb::face_vertices(face) } pub fn face_mesh(&self,face:Face) -> TreyMesh { let mut aabb=Aabb::new(); for &vertex in self.face_vertices(face).iter() { aabb.grow(vertex); } return aabb; } pub fn face_normal(&self,face:Face) -> glam::Vec3 { let mut n=glam::Vec3Swizzles::xyzz(Aabb::normal(face)); n.w=0.0;//what a man will do to avoid writing out the components glam::Vec4Swizzles::xyz(self.transform*n)//this is wrong for scale } } pub struct RelativeCollision { face: Face,//just an id model: u32,//using id to avoid lifetimes } impl RelativeCollision { pub fn mesh(&self,models:&Vec) -> TreyMesh { return models.get(self.model as usize).unwrap().face_mesh(self.face) } pub fn normal(&self,models:&Vec) -> glam::Vec3 { return models.get(self.model as usize).unwrap().face_normal(self.face) } } pub type TIME = i64; const CONTROL_JUMP:u32 = 0b01000000;//temp DATA NORMALIZATION!@#$ impl PhysicsState { //delete this, we are tickless gamers pub fn run(&mut self, time: TIME){ //prepare is ommitted - everything is done via instructions. while let Some(instruction) = self.next_instruction() {//collect if time glam::Vec3 { let dt=(time-self.body.time) as f64/1_000_000_000f64; self.body.position+self.body.velocity*(dt as f32)+self.gravity*((0.5*dt*dt) as f32) } fn next_strafe_instruction(&self) -> Option> { return Some(TimedInstruction{ time:(self.time*self.strafe_tick_num/self.strafe_tick_den+1)*self.strafe_tick_den/self.strafe_tick_num, //only poll the physics if there is a before and after mouse event instruction:PhysicsInstruction::StrafeTick }); } //state mutated on collision: //Accelerator //stair step-up //state mutated on instruction //change fly acceleration (fly_sustain) //change fly velocity //generic event emmiters //PlatformStandTime //walk/swim/air/ladder sounds //VState? //falling under the map // fn next_respawn_instruction(&self) -> Option> { // if self.body.position Option> { // return Some(TimedInstruction{ // time:(self.time*self.strafe_tick_num/self.strafe_tick_den+1)*self.strafe_tick_den/self.strafe_tick_num, // //only poll the physics if there is a before and after mouse event // instruction:PhysicsInstruction::Water // }); // } fn next_walk_instruction(&self) -> Option> { //check if you are accelerating towards a walk target velocity and create an instruction return None; } fn predict_collision_end(&self,model:&Model) -> Option> { //must treat cancollide false objects differently: you may not exit through the same face you entered. None } fn predict_collision_start(&self,model:&Model) -> Option> { None } } impl crate::instruction::InstructionEmitter for PhysicsState { //this little next instruction function can cache its return value and invalidate the cached value by watching the State. fn next_instruction(&self) -> Option> { //JUST POLLING!!! NO MUTATION let mut collector = crate::instruction::InstructionCollector::new(); //autohop (already pressing spacebar; the signal to begin trying to jump is different) if self.grounded&&self.jump_trying { //scroll will be implemented with InputInstruction::Jump(true) but it blocks setting self.jump_trying=true collector.collect(Some(TimedInstruction{ time:self.time, instruction:PhysicsInstruction::Jump })); } //check for collision stop instructions with curent contacts for collision_data in self.contacts.iter() { collector.collect(self.predict_collision_end(self.models_cringe_clone.get(collision_data.model as usize).unwrap())); } //check for collision start instructions (against every part in the game with no optimization!!) for model in &self.models_cringe_clone { collector.collect(self.predict_collision_start(model)); } if self.grounded { //walk maintenance collector.collect(self.next_walk_instruction()); }else{ //check to see when the next strafe tick is collector.collect(self.next_strafe_instruction()); } collector.instruction() } } impl crate::instruction::InstructionConsumer for PhysicsState { fn process_instruction(&mut self, ins:TimedInstruction) { //mutate position and velocity and time self.body.advance_time(ins.time);//should this be in a separate function: self.advance_time? match ins.instruction { PhysicsInstruction::CollisionStart(_) => todo!(), PhysicsInstruction::CollisionEnd(_) => todo!(), PhysicsInstruction::StrafeTick => { let control_dir=self.get_control_dir();//this respects your mouse interpolation settings let; if d { self.grounded=false;//do I need this? self.body.velocity+=glam::Vec3::new(0.0,0.715588/2.0*100.0,0.0); } PhysicsInstruction::ReachWalkTargetVelocity => { //precisely set velocity self.body.velocity=self.walk_target_velocity; } PhysicsInstruction::SetWalkTargetVelocity(v) => { self.walk_target_velocity=v; //calculate acceleration yada yada }, } } }