const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders'); const { parse } = require("csv-parse/sync"); const fs = require('node:fs'); const noblox = require("noblox.js"); const axios = require("axios").default; const { submissions, commands, cookies } = require("../config/config.js"); const { getAssetInfo, SubmissionColumnsString, createSubmissionLine, getSubmissionLine, validateMapAsset, getValidationMessage } = require("../common.js"); async function robloxUserFromDiscord(id) { if (isNaN(id)) return undefined; try { const res = await axios.get(`${id}`); return; } catch { return undefined; } } async function robloxUsernameFromId(id) { if (isNaN(id)) return undefined; try { const res = await axios.get(`${id}`); return; } catch { return undefined; } } /** * @param {import('discord.js').ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ async function execute(interaction) { const userId = await robloxUserFromDiscord(; if (!userId) { await interaction.editReply("🚫 You don't have a Roblox account linked with your Discord account. Use !link with the rbhop dog bot to link your account."); return; } const game = interaction.options.getString("game", true); const fname = submissions[game]; if (fname === undefined) { await interaction.editReply("🚫 Invalid game specified!"); return; } if (!fs.existsSync(fname)) { fs.writeFileSync(fname, SubmissionColumnsString); } const id = interaction.options.getInteger("asset_id", true); await noblox.setCookie(cookies[game]); try { // Check that the bot owns this model if (!(await noblox.getOwnership(await noblox.getCurrentUser("UserID"), id, "Asset"))) { const msg = `🚫 The ${game} maptest bot's inventory does not contain this asset (id: \`${id}\`). You must use the /take command first.`; await interaction.editReply(msg); return; } } catch (error) { if (error.message !== "400 The specified Asset does not exist!") { throw error; } await interaction.editReply(`🚫 This asset does not exist (id: \`${id}\`).`); return; } const assetInfo = await getAssetInfo(id); if (!assetInfo.isModel) { await interaction.editReply(`🚫 This asset (id: \`${id}\`) is not a model. Your map must be a model.`); return; } if (assetInfo.creatorId !== userId) { const assetUsernamePromise = robloxUsernameFromId(assetInfo.creatorId); const interactionUsernamePromise = robloxUsernameFromId(userId); const assetUsername = await assetUsernamePromise; const interactionUsername = await interactionUsernamePromise; const msg = `🚫 The account linked to your Discord (${interactionUsername}) is not the owner of this model (${assetUsername}), so you cannot submit it.`; await interaction.editReply(msg); return; } const csvFile = fs.readFileSync(fname); const lines = parse(csvFile, {delimiter: ',', fromLine: 2}); for (let lineStr of lines) { const line = getSubmissionLine(lineStr); if (id === line.modelId) { await interaction.editReply(`🚫 This map (id: \`${id}\`) was already submitted on .`); return; } } // Validate and send the validation result const validation = await validateMapAsset(id, game); const msg = getValidationMessage(validation, game, true); await interaction.editReply(msg); if (!validation.valid) { await interaction.followUp("Due to having problems, your map was **NOT submitted**."); return; } let csvString = SubmissionColumnsString; for (let lineStr of lines) { const line = getSubmissionLine(lineStr); csvString += createSubmissionLine(line.modelId, line.timestamp, line.userId, line.username, line.displayName, line.creator); } const unixTimestamp = Math.round(+new Date()/1000); csvString += createSubmissionLine(id, unixTimestamp, userId, await robloxUsernameFromId(userId), validation.displayName, validation.creator); fs.writeFileSync(fname, csvString); await interaction.followUp(`Map (id: \`${id}\`) successfully submitted.`); } module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('submit') .setDescription('Submit your map') .addStringOption(option => option.setName("game") .setDescription("Select the maptest game") .setRequired(true) .addChoices(...commands)) .addIntegerOption(option => option.setName("asset_id") .setDescription("The asset ID of the model") .setRequired(true)) , execute };