use std::thread; use std::sync::{mpsc,Arc}; use parking_lot::Mutex; //WorkerPool struct Pool(u32); enum PoolOrdering{ Single,//single thread cannot get out of order Ordered(u32),//order matters and should be buffered/dropped according to ControlFlow Unordered(u32),//order does not matter } //WorkerInput enum Input{ //no input, workers have everything needed at creation None, //Immediate input to any available worker, dropped if they are overflowing (all workers are busy) Immediate, //Queued input is ordered, but serial jobs that mutate state (such as running physics) can only be done with a single worker Queued,//"Fifo" //Query a function to get next input when a thread becomes available //worker stops querying when Query function returns None and dies after all threads complete //lifetimes sound crazy on this one Query, //Queue of length one, the input is replaced if it is submitted twice before the current work finishes Mailbox, } //WorkerOutput enum Output{ None(Pool), Realtime(PoolOrdering),//outputs are dropped if they are out of order and order is demanded Buffered(PoolOrdering),//outputs are held back internally if they are out of order and order is demanded } //It would be possible to implement all variants //with a query input function and callback output function but I'm not sure if that's worth it. //Immediate = Condvar //Queued = receiver.recv() //a callback function would need to use an async runtime! //realtime output is an arc mutex of the output value that is assigned every time a worker completes a job //buffered output produces a receiver object that can be passed to the creation of another worker //when ordering is requested, output is ordered by the order each thread is run //which is the same as the order that the input data is processed except for Input::None which has no input data //WorkerDescription struct Description{ input:Input, output:Output, } //The goal here is to have a worker thread that parks itself when it runs out of work. //The worker thread publishes the result of its work back to the worker object for every item in the work queue. //Previous values do not matter as soon as a new value is produced, which is why it's called "Realtime" //The physics (target use case) knows when it has not changed the body, so not updating the value is also an option. /* QR = WorkerDescription{ input:Queued, output:Realtime(Single), } */ pub struct QRWorker<Task:Send,Value:Clone>{ sender: mpsc::Sender<Task>, value:Arc<Mutex<Value>>, } impl<Task:Send+'static,Value:Clone+Send+'static> QRWorker<Task,Value>{ pub fn new<F:FnMut(Task)->Value+Send+'static>(value:Value,mut f:F) -> Self { let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel::<Task>(); let ret=Self { sender, value:Arc::new(Mutex::new(value)), }; let value=ret.value.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { loop { match receiver.recv() { Ok(task) => { let v=f(task);//make sure function is evaluated before lock is acquired *value.lock()=v; } Err(_) => { println!("Worker stopping.",); break; } } } }); ret } pub fn send(&self,task:Task)->Result<(), mpsc::SendError<Task>>{ self.sender.send(task) } pub fn grab_clone(&self)->Value{ self.value.lock().clone() } } /* QN = WorkerDescription{ input:Queued, output:None(Single), } */ //None Output Worker does all its work internally from the perspective of the work submitter pub struct QNWorker<'a,Task:Send>{ sender: mpsc::Sender<Task>, handle:thread::ScopedJoinHandle<'a,()>, } impl<'a,Task:Send+'a> QNWorker<'a,Task>{ pub fn new<F:FnMut(Task)+Send+'a>(scope:&'a thread::Scope<'a,'_>,mut f:F)->QNWorker<'a,Task>{ let (sender,receiver)=mpsc::channel::<Task>(); let handle=scope.spawn(move ||{ loop { match receiver.recv() { Ok(task)=>f(task), Err(_)=>{ println!("Worker stopping.",); break; } } } }); Self{ sender, handle, } } pub fn send(&self,task:Task)->Result<(),mpsc::SendError<Task>>{ self.sender.send(task) } } /* IN = WorkerDescription{ input:Immediate, output:None(Single), } */ //Inputs are dropped if the worker is busy pub struct INWorker<'a,Task:Send>{ sender: mpsc::SyncSender<Task>, handle:thread::ScopedJoinHandle<'a,()>, } impl<'a,Task:Send+'a> INWorker<'a,Task>{ pub fn new<F:FnMut(Task)+Send+'a>(scope:&'a thread::Scope<'a,'_>,mut f:F)->INWorker<'a,Task>{ let (sender,receiver)=mpsc::sync_channel::<Task>(1); let handle=scope.spawn(move ||{ loop { match receiver.recv() { Ok(task)=>f(task), Err(_)=>{ println!("Worker stopping.",); break; } } } }); Self{ sender, handle, } } //blocking! pub fn blocking_send(&self,task:Task)->Result<(), mpsc::SendError<Task>>{ self.sender.send(task) } pub fn send(&self,task:Task)->Result<(), mpsc::TrySendError<Task>>{ self.sender.try_send(task) } } #[test]//How to run this test with printing: cargo test --release -- --nocapture fn test_worker() { // Create the worker thread let test_body=crate::physics::Body::new(crate::integer::Planar64Vec3::ONE,crate::integer::Planar64Vec3::ONE,crate::integer::Planar64Vec3::ONE,crate::integer::Time::ZERO); let worker=QRWorker::new(crate::physics::Body::default(), |_|crate::physics::Body::new(crate::integer::Planar64Vec3::ONE,crate::integer::Planar64Vec3::ONE,crate::integer::Planar64Vec3::ONE,crate::integer::Time::ZERO) ); // Send tasks to the worker for _ in 0..5 { let task = strafesnet_common::instruction::TimedInstruction{ time:strafesnet_common::integer::Time::ZERO, instruction:crate::physics::PhysicsInstruction::StrafeTick, }; worker.send(task).unwrap(); } // Optional: Signal the worker to stop (in a real-world scenario) // sender.send("STOP".to_string()).unwrap(); // Sleep to allow the worker thread to finish processing thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10)); // Send a new task let task = strafesnet_common::instruction::TimedInstruction{ time:strafesnet_common::integer::Time::ZERO, instruction:crate::physics::PhysicsInstruction::StrafeTick, }; worker.send(task).unwrap(); //assert_eq!(test_body,worker.grab_clone()); // wait long enough to see print from final task thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10)); }