lol idk #1

Quaternions wants to merge 1039 commits from StrafesNET/strafe-project:master into master
2 changed files with 19 additions and 0 deletions
Showing only changes of commit d713b96ad3 - Show all commits

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@ -248,6 +248,22 @@ macro_rules! impl_vector {
macro_rules! impl_vector_extend {
( ($struct: ident { $($field: ident), + }), ($struct_extended: ident, $field_extended: ident) ) => {
impl<T> $struct<T> {
pub fn extend(self,value:T) -> $struct_extended<T> {
$struct_extended {
$( $field:self.$field, ) +
macro_rules! impl_vector_operator {

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@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ crate::impl_vector!(Vector2 { x, y }, (T, T), 2);
crate::impl_vector!(Vector3 { x, y, z }, (T, T, T), 3);
crate::impl_vector!(Vector4 { x, y, z, w }, (T, T, T, T), 4);
crate::impl_vector_extend!((Vector2 { x, y }), (Vector3, z));
crate::impl_vector_extend!((Vector3 { x, y, z }), (Vector4, w));
crate::impl_matrix!((Vector2 { x, y }, ((T, T), (T, T)), 2), (Vector2, 2), (Vector2 { x, y }) );
crate::impl_matrix!((Vector2 { x, y }, ((T, T, T), (T, T, T)), 2), (Vector3, 3), (Vector3 { x, y, z }) );
crate::impl_matrix!((Vector2 { x, y }, ((T, T, T, T), (T, T, T, T)), 2), (Vector4, 4), (Vector4 { x, y, z, w }) );